Pursuant to the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act (Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme), lawyers have an obligation, in respect of certain services, to identify their client and, to the extent applicable, the ultimate beneficial owner and to notify any potential unusual transaction to the relevant authority.

In general, Gerretsen Advocatuur charges on an hourly basis. Hourly rates are, inter alia, determined by the complexity of the matter, any time constraints imposed and may vary per case.

Gerretsen Advocatuur does not work on the basis of subsidized legal aid.

The general terms and conditions of Gerretsen Advocatuur will apply to all our services. You will find a copy of these general terms and conditions on this website: general terms and conditions. Gerretsen Advocatuur does not accept third party payments as the firm does not control a third party account. The firm has made arrangements to deal with unforeseen absence of Mr. J.M. Gerretsen. Furthermore, pursuant to the Regulation of the legal profession (Verordening voor de advocatuur) we have to apply our complaints procedure to our services. You will find a Dutch copy of our complaints procedure on this website: complaints procedure. We will provide you with an office translation at your request.